Why Participate In Tampa Young Professionals?
Peer Groups
Our Young Professional Peer Groups offer like-minded construction professionals an environment conducive to sharing ideas and discussing issues and resolutions to the challenges facing our industry and our community. ABC’s peer groups also offer the opportunity to learn from seasoned industry leaders and fosters a mentor/mentee environment as young leaders continue to grow within their field and their company.
Peer Groups will be made up of 15 individuals who meet regularly (once a month for 8 months) to discuss predetermined topics with their peers. ABC will also match mentors and mentees together. Happy Hours will also be scheduled for all participants every 2 months.
What’s the Cost?
$100 yearly fee*
*initial join fee will be waived for recent graduates (within 2 years of join date - applies to undergrad degree only)
What Does That Include?
- ABCFGC/YP Branded Polo Shirt
- 4 YP Networking Events
- Jobsite Tours
- Volunteer Opportunity
- YP focused Professional Development Seminars
How to Register?
Register by filling out the form below or by emailing Laura Gross at: [email protected].