ABC members have been, and continue to be, strongly committed to the health, safety and well-being of both our workforce and the public.
Our elected officials understand the critical role the construction industry plays during and after a national emergency like the coronavirus. ABC is ready to provide assistance in any way possible to get you through the coronavirus and beyond. We are united during this challenging time and will overcome this together.
Visit to access health and safety recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Essential Employee Letters
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Construction Industry Commitment: Pledge to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 on Florida’s Construction Sites

Whereas, the Construction Industry has been acknowledged to be an essential business to the State of Florida, supporting infrastructure, government, medical and residential needs; and
Whereas, the Construction Industry is a unique industry in that workspaces are closed to the public, often with easily accessible fresh air and or outdoor jobsites; and
Whereas, the Construction Industry cares for the health and safety of their workers and for the families and loved ones they go home to; and
Whereas, the Construction Industry is heavily regulated by Federal, State and Local Governments as to what can and cannot take place on a job site, we the undersigned hereby commit, to instituting the following practices at a minimum, in an effort to eliminate the spread of the Coronavirus:
Personal Responsibilities
Workers with CDC designated symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc. are to stay home and not report to work. Workers exhibiting these symptoms are to be sent home immediately
Social Distancing
- Individuals will maintain a minimum of 6 feet separation consistent with CDC guidelines
- No gatherings of more than 10 people when required to meet even when conducted outside. For stand-down meetings, disseminate information electronically and have each trade conduct the training on their own in groups not to exceed 10
- Common water coolers are to be discouraged
- Prop doors open when safe to do so
- Do not stack trades in the same space
- Wash stations with soap are to be installed/maintained at building entrances and food truck areas as well other strategic areas near offices, trailers, and jobsite egress areas with hot water when possible
- Encourage and direct employees to wash hands at breaks and as frequently as possible.
- Gloves are required for all trash removal
Hoists and Elevators
- Take steps to limit employees on buck-hoists and on elevators to maintain maximum distance
- Hoist/Elevator operators are to be provided and wear gloves
- Hoists/Elevators are to be sanitized daily
Lunch Trucks
- Encourage employees to bring their own lunch and consider eliminating truck where possible
- Ensure all lunch trucks are utilizing servers for bulk food trays; no self-serve from food trays
- Food items are to be individually wrapped when possible
- Physical distancing protocol shall be in use during lunch and breaks
- Signage barring employees with COVID-19 symptoms, CDC recommendations, and posters that encourage staying home when sick, cough and sneeze etiquette, and hand hygiene are to be placed at the entrance to of the workplace and in other prominent areas.